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Don’t let mold kill the deal

Uncover Past Indoor Air Quality Issues before close

Our mission is to help promote healthier living through environmentally focused solutions!

Real Estate Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality Issues and Disclosures

Buying or Selling a home is a very stressful process.  Compounding that stress is the potential disclosure of underlying issues that may impact the sale.  These are some important items to consider when entering into a real estate transaction.

For the Buyer

Nothing can pop the dream bubble quicker than finding out expensive remediation must be done prior to moving it.  Identifying if there was a past issue and whether it was satisfactorily resolved using industry standards is imperative.

For the Seller

The liability involved in not properly disclosing an Indoor Air Quality issue (such as Mold, or Asbestos exposure) is not just a decent gesture, it is legally required.  In order to pass the buyer’s inspection it will be imperative that you show that industry standards were used at all times during the remodel, documentation including Air Clearance tests are provided, and a clear indication of what was the cause was identified and resolved.


Need an Inspector with Indoor Air Quality Experience?  Visit (HERE) for a list of trained professionals in your area.

(310) 735-4767

9800d Topanga Cyn Blvd. #523

Chatsworth, CA. 91311
